


Important Notice
Acceptance of Risk and Non-Liability

There is always some risk of Covid-19 transmission during the process of massage therapy treatment to both the client or RMT at our clinic.
The clinic and RMT’s follow the Worksafe BC, Public Health Officer, BC Centre for Disease Control (CDC) protocols/guidelines and recommendations of the College of Massage Therapists of BC to help reduce or mitigate the risks of Covid-19 transmissions. It is hard to be 100% perfect with no risk therefore some steps or mistakes can happen potentially creating a possibility of transmission. 

Who Is at serious risk to contracting Covid-19

  • Older adults (increasing risk with each decade, especially over 60 years).
  • People of any age with chronic medical conditions including:
  • lung disease
  • heart disease
  • hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • diabetes
  • kidney disease
  • liver disease
  • dementia
  • stroke
  • People of any age who are immunocompromised, including those:
    • with an underlying medical condition (e.g., cancer)
    • taking medications that lower the immune system (e.g., chemotherapy)
  • People living with obesity (BMI of 40 or higher).

Protocols we are taking for your Safety


    • Our protocols and procedures of cleaning will be those set out by the BC Centre for Disease Control (CDC), Worksafe BC, and recommendations by the College of Massage Therapists of BC.
    • Surfaces will be sanitized daily in the clinic and more will be done regularly between each client in the treatment rooms. 


    • Clients or RMT’s are not to come to the clinic if they are sick with Covid-19/Colds or required to self isolate – pre-screening of any symptoms can be done via the assessment of symptoms based on BC screening tool link : bc.thrive.health/covid19/en  24 to 48 hrs prior to scheduled appointment time.
    • You are not to come to the clinic with symptoms of Covid-19 including fever, cough (dry), shortness of breath, sore throat, sever tiredness, ache, pain or a loss of taste/smell but should get tested and stay home and self isolate for a minimum of 10 day upon symptoms.
    • You are not to come to the clinic if are to self isolate under the instruction by the Public Heath Authority. 
    • You are not to come to the clinic if you have been in direct contact with anyone testing positive for Covid-19 or if you have traveled outside Canada (or even interior health region)  you are to self isolate for 14 days and monitor for symptoms.
    • An infrared thermometer digital temperature screening maybe take upon arrival in the clinic before treatment starts.​​ 

Most common Covid-19 symptoms:

  • fever
    dry cough

Serious Covid-19 symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
    chest pain or pressure
    loss of speech or movement
    continuous high fever

Less common Covid-19 symptoms:

  • aches and pains
    sore throat
    loss of taste or smell
    rash on skin, or discoloration of fingers or toes


  • To limit the amount of people in the clinic waiting room the clinic tries to stagger clients appointment times between the RMT’s thus having no more than 2 people transitioning at one time with adequate social distancing (2 meters) available – If there are more people inside clients are advised to wait outside till space is available then they can proceed in.
  • Clients are being advised to come to their appointment times no more than 5 minutes prior thus allowing for a safe and sanitary entry to the clinic
  • To maintain effective effective spacing (2meters) the waiting room chairs have been spaced and please refrain from touching things unnecessarily.
  • A plexiglass shield has been placed at the front desk to create a better barrier between clients and  RMT’s​. 


  • The BC Public Health Officer and BC Centre for Disease Control (CDC)  has mandated masks/face shields to be worn inside all indoor public buildings and indoor workplaces by people 12 years or older effective November 19, 2020 (for full details refer this CDC link ​​www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/covid-19/prevention-risks/masks ).
  • RMT’s and clients are now required to wear a mask during the entire duration of your visit (with the exception of  the RMT protected by the plexiglass barrier by the front desk separating the RMT from the client).
  • Clients are advised to bring in their own mask if not the clinic will be providing a paper disposable non-medical mask for the duration of the treatment and clinic time upon leaving. Though we have masks to give clients when one isn’t present please use some consideration by bringing your own so not to deplete our supply for others needing a mask.
  • Latex disposable gloves are also available upon request by the client or RMT if needed.


  • Both RMT’s and clients are to use provided hand sanitizer upon entering the clinic. Once in the clinic there are numerous provided hand sanitizer’s throughout the clinic and in the massage treatment rooms to be used as needed.  There is soap and individual hand towels in the bathroom (with poster to explain proper hand washing) to wash hands if needed and RMT’s wash their hands between every clients.
  • Disinfectant wipes are also provided, if needed when touching high use areas 
  • Kleenex tissues are also available any mild nose or face irritations 
  • PLEASE AVOID touching face while in the clinic to reduce the risk of transmission as the Covid-19 virus is a respiratory virus primarily  

What is expected from our Clients


  • Please don’t come when your not feeling well due to Covid-19 or directed to self isolate. RMT’s will not be able to treat you during this time, please review our client screening protocol listed at the top of the page for more clarity – call to reschedule once your feeling better and can keep everyone safe and healthy.


  • Please review the acceptance of risk and non-liability listed at the top of page and realize that massage therapy treatment always involves an element of some risk of Covid-19 transmission. The clinic and RMT’s follow the recommended protocols and guidelines to establish the most safest time with the least amount of risk of Covid-19 transmission during your massage therapy treatment.


  • Please bring and wear a mask during the entire time while your inside the clinic and during your massage therapy treatment.
  • Please use hand sanitizer upon entering the clinic and use the provided other sanitizers/disinfectants throughout the clinic as needed.  Wash your hands also with soap if needed throughout your time at the clinic. Try to avoid touching your face with your hands as much as possible.


  • Please don’t arrive no more than 5 minutes before your massage therapy treatment start time unless RMT’s would instruct you otherwise 
  • Avoid​ crowding the waiting room if more than 2 people are present – if necessary use social distancing (2 meters) as much as possible.